Wednesday 2 February 2011

Number 66...

..and the story goes on. It was about time to switch back to an English post.

A story with a foggy beginning, low visibility throughout the journey, no clear end and for sure no happy end, cause we ain't livin in Hollywood dears. Strength, courage, optimism, dreams, all those end at some point. How long can we keep them warm, alive and part of ourselves? I don't have an answer and will never really be able to find a proper one. Mystery, you may say. Well, isn't this part of the original reason that I write here? Maybe yes, maybe not, and by stealing a good friend's quote "Basically, it depends on what you want".

It ain't matter how many lines i will find the "strength" to write, the conclusion for today is one and unique...we've reached no. 66...

...goodnight and cu soon

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